
Hello There

I am Davide Giannuzzi.

I am a Ph.D. in Structural Engineering.


More About Me

I am currently working as a Structural Engineer on the East Coast. I focus on efficient analysis and design of new and existing structures, while keeping analytical data integrated within the BIM collaborative workflow.

What I work on:


What I use:

  • CSI ETABS / SAP2000
  • C#


Past and Present Projects

Some of the projects I have been working on.


Virtual Reality | Structural Engineering

Virtual Reality software to visualize analysis results from structural analysis software in realtime. Optimized for fast 3D graphics for an immersive VR experience

Virtual Reality software to visualize analysis results from structural analysis software in realtime. Optimized for fast 3D graphics for an immersive VR experience

See the project website for more information and download.


BIM Workflow

Revit Add-in to exchange structural design information between Autodesk Revit and CSi ETABS or SAP2000 with an interactive interface and realtime updates

This Revit Add-in allows to transfer structural design information between Autodesk Revit and CSi ETABS and SAP2000. It provides much more flexibility and ease of use compared to the existing solutions.

  • The add-in relies on a heurystic spatial matching of elements in both models, with a user defined tolerance.
    Current applications rely on a GUID based approach to pair Revit instances with Analysis elements, which inevitably leads to missing links if elements are deleted and later recreated with a new ID at either end.
  • The interface runs in parallel and asynchrounously from the main Revit window, and allows for an interactive workflow. The scope and result of each modification is easy to track and double-check to avoid errors, which is usually harder with the black-boxed, one-time-transfer applications. Revit view is also temporarily updated as the model is changed to provide a visual feedback.

Line of Sight Simulation

Unity | Simulation

Unity software to simulate Line of Sight on a construction site floor slab. Import floor plan from a DXF, including occluding walls and column. Manually add total stations to reach the desired coverage ratio, or let the software optimize stations locations to achieve the desired coverage.

Unity software to interactively simulate Line of Sight on a construction site floor slab. Floor plans can be loaded from a DXF file, and layers are used to define floor slabs, occluding objects (e.g. walls and columns), and tracing lines.

  • The user can manually add any number of total stations and drag them around to optimize coverage, and check the percentage of covered floor and tracing lines in real time.
  • Fixed control points can be imported from a CSV file, and they can be enable or disabled to check coverage of specific point locations.
  • The software can also automatically optimize the coverage to a target percentage using the minimum number of stations.
  • Once Control Points are activated, the software can also compute and display the area locus on the floor such that all control points are visible from a stations within the locus.

A simple demo is available at this page.

Assembly Sequence

Virtual Reality | BIM

Virtual Reality simulation of assembly Sequence for Structural Engineering elements and connections using an FBX exported from Autodesk Revit

A virtual reality software to simulate the assemblty sequence for complex structural connections and architectural elements. An FBX model is imported into the Unity Editor, where predefined scripts can be attached to object that are part of the assembly sequence.
The object hierarchy is used to define the order of assembly and co-dependency are created using the attached behaviors.

See this video for a demonstration.

Wall Design Optimization

BIM Workflow | Optimization

Revit Add-in which interfaces with Excel and guides the user through the optimization of many wall designs to fewer unique types with cost constraints

Revit Add-in which interfaces with Excel and guides the user through the optimization of many wall designs to fewer unique types with cost constraints